Miles Morales Discovers a MAJOR Spider-Man Character Trapped in the Multiverse
Miles Morales finds a major Spider-Man character looking a bit worse for wear when traveling through the multiverse in Miles Morales: Spider-Man # 38.
Venturing into the multiverse with his clone Shift and a variant of his younger sister, Miles Morales finds an aged Peter Parker / Spider-Man being held captive in Miles Morales: Spider-Man # 38.
Miles Morales: Spider-Man # 38 comes from writer Saladin Ahmed, pencilers Christopher Allen and Alberto Foche, inkers Oren Junior, José Marzan Jr. and Alberto Foche, color artist Brian Reber and letterer VC’s Cory Petit. In the issue, Miles and Shift are traveling through the Spider-Verse when they find themselves in a New York City that’s predominately run by Miles’ evil clone, Selim. After meeting Spider-Smasher / Captain Billie, a variant of Miles’ younger sister who is leading a resistance against Selim, and General Ganke Lee, the team sets off to invade one of Selim’s prefectures.
Miles, Shift and Spider-Smasher all fight their way inside, with the trio having to battle a “Lord Shift” variant that has several different heads and arms. After doing so, they work their way through the building and find a locked door they quickly bust open. Inside the room is an elderly-looking man with various tubes connecting his arms to some sort of mechanical device. Upon closer investigation, Miles realizes this elderly-looking man is none other than Peter Parker, which implies Selim has captured either Spider-Man or a Spider-Man variant.
What Selim is doing with Spider-Man remains unknown at this time; although, earlier in the issue, General Ganke Lee mentions that Selim does not appear to be aging in a typical manner, which might have something to do with Peter. “I do not know if you noticed, but on the billboards, Selim still looks 19 years old,” Ganke points out. “Same as in the propaganda videos. He should look … well, my age. Turns out it’s not a doctored video – he actually kept his body young using a technological device of some sort.”
Cover art for Miles Morales: Spider-Man # 39, which releases June 22, shows Selim holding a knife to a no-longer-elderly-looking Peter Parker. Synopsis information for the issue reads, “MILES and SHIFT’S hunt through the Multiverse has landed them back in New York City, but it’s not the NYC they know – it’s THE EMPIRE OF THE SPIDER! And evil Miles clone, SELIM, has crowned himself emperor To defeat the oppressive regime, Miles will need the help of rebel leaders GENERAL GANKE LEE and CAPITÄ€N BILLIE MORALES, who has grown up in a world without her brother and where SPIDER-MAN represents only pain and suffering. And if Miles fell to Selim , what does that mean for the fate of PETER PARKER ?! “
Miles Morales: Spider-Man # 38 features cover art by Taurin Clarke and variant cover art by Jen Bartel, Sergio Dávila, Sean Parsons, David Curiel, Skan, Christopher Allen and Ernada Souza. The issue is on sale now from Marvel.
Source: Marvel
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